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Bacardi to Cut Emissions from Rum in Half with New Heat & Power System

Bacardi to Cut Emissions from Rum in Half with New Heat & Power System

Global wine and spirits company Bacardi announced today the opening of a new Combined Heat & Power (CHP) system at its rum distillery in Puerto Rico, anticipated to cut the BACARDÍ rum brand’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in half.

The new CHP system replaces heavy fuel oil with propane gas, which is a relatively cleaner energy solution, at the facility, which is the world’s largest premium rum distillery. According to Bacardi, the system will generate 100% of the energy used at the Cataño, Puerto Rico-based campus, including the distillery and offices, as well as the Casa BACARDÍ visitor center.

Magaly Feliciano, Global Sustainability Director, said:

“As a family-owned company, we take great responsibility in protecting the legacy of generations to come. The work we are doing today will help build a more sustainable future for our people and the planet.”

The company said that the launch of the new facility marks a significant step in the company’s emissions reduction efforts. The company’s sustainability goals include a target to reduce emissions by 50% globally across the business by 2025. Bacardi outlined other environmental initiatives it is pursuing, including generating more than 60% of the distillery’s energy through the creation of biogas by cleaning waste water, recapturing 95% of the heat generated during distillation, developing a project to capture CO2 from the fermentation process, and planting pollinator gardens to support local wildlife.

Edwin Zayas, Vice President of Operations for Bacardi Corporation in Puerto Rico, said:

“At Bacardi, we are committed to cutting our GHG emissions by reducing our energy consumption and switching to the most sustainable form of energy where we make our beloved brands. We are continuously exploring ways in which we can take more positive steps towards our ultimate goal of Net Zero across our sites.”

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